One of the oldest and most historic quarries in the U.S., dating back to the 18th century. The tour and a short history of the quarry will take place at the scenic overlook. Maximum 15 people. Rain date: Wednesday, July 28, 10:00 AM. Special SBO price: Complimentary. Voucher required.
AL08 – GUIDED TOUR: Maryland Center for History and Culture “DISCOVER MARYLAND”
A docent led tour by our own Bev Rosen on the unique exhibit, "Discover Maryland". Who are Marylanders, why are they so obsessed with their flag, and what does duckpin bowling have to do with the Baltimore Orioles? This exhibit explores how Maryland and its people have changed since its founding in 1634. Learn how […]
AL07 – Guided Tour – Benjamin Banneker Historical Park & Museum
After viewing a 30-minute docu-drama about the life of Benjamin Banneker, visitors will be guided on a tour of the museum and grounds. Born in 1731, Benjamin Banneker was a self-taught free African American born in Baltimore County. He was renowned as the author of one of the first almanacs, as a surveyor working with […]
AL11 – Guided Tour and Summer Tasting Experience – Guinness Brewery
Join a small group tour of the brewery and learn about the history of Guinness and their site. Your guide will provide plenty of Guinness heritage and bring you inside their innovative brewery to explain the brewing process and answer all of our questions. Then you’ll be brought inside the Barrel Tasting Room where you […]
AL10 Guided Tour – Maryland Food Bank Education Garden
This out door, socially distanced tour will take approximately one hour. The Education Garden is a vibrant and engaging green oasis among the industrial landscapes that surrounds the Maryland Food Bank Distribution Center. The Garden is a living classroom that promotes gardening and eating locally grown fresh produce. The garden has influences from permaculture, natural farming and […]